"In the small hours of the morning, I sat down to draw. The first card I created was "The Hermit", then I created the Cover Art, "Death", and "The Hanged Man". The illustrations began to fill with contrasting blacks, whites, earth, death, and life, I knew how I would create the 78 Tarot cards. There was no turning back..."
- Robert N. Riedel
The Tarot originated in Europe in the mid 15th century and was used for various card games during that time. Later in the 18th century, French occultists began to claim Tarot told stories of history and carried deeper meanings... These claims and beliefs lead to card readings and the new emergence of creating custom decks for reading divination and fortune-telling.
Like typical playing cards, Tarot has four suits numbered from Ace-Ten with four face cards: King, Queen, Knight, Page. The Tarot deck used for cartomancy has an additional 22 trump cards referred to as the Greater or Major Arcana. These Major Arcana cards have no suit and are numbered in Roman Numerals. The Fool is numbered zero.
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The Tarot: Darkness, Earth, and Light
With the help of the Kickstarter Community, this Tarot Deck includes the following:
These descriptions are specific and unique to the Darkness, Earth, and Light deck and its original artwork as well as the Rider Waite Tarot meanings.
The Fool is young yet beautiful in their ignorance. They walk unknowingly into the world ready to discover its untapped potential. The flower is a symbol of freedom from baser desires. The feather shows an appreciation for the beauty yet a carefreeness as they are unbothered by life's woes.
New beginnings and opportunities. He stands with one arm stretched upwards towards the Universe, and the other pointing down to the earth. He is the channel between the spiritual and the physical realms. On the table before him are the four suits of the Minor Arcana. As a master manifestor, the Magician brings you the tools, resources, and energy you need to make your dreams come true.
Wears a crescent horned diadem, a symbol of the moon reflected in the sky. The large cross on her breast represents the balance between the four elements: Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. The scroll in her hands are the memories of the past, present and future. She is the female indwelling presence of the divine. She is secrets, mystery, and the future as yet unrevealed.
Minimal in her dwelling and deep in thought. The throne is representative of her power over life, and her twelve stars crown her dominance over the year. She is the embodiment of the growth of the natural world, fertility, and what one knows or believes from the heart.
The absolute ruler of the world. He sits atop a skull encrusted throne, a sign of unyielding power. His throne is a symbol of domination and of boundaries placed on life. You are in charge of your life, and everything is under your control.
The teacher of wisdom. The builder of the bridge between deity and humanity. The right hand raised in blessing or benediction, with two fingers pointing skyward and two pointing down, thus forming a bridge between Heaven and Earth.
Love, beauty, and unknown trials yet to be overcome. The couple receives a blessing from the mother, a reminder that their choices should not be made lightly, as the ramifications will be lasting. The Lovers represent relationships and the choices therein.
The warrior stands tall symbolizing control, will power, and the action of moving forward. Overcoming conflicts requires sheer hard work and commitment to be victorious.
The Lion King of the beasts, is a symbol of power, action, and courage.
His lantern is the Lamp of Truth, used to guide the unknowing to navigate narrow paths as one seeks enlightenment. His is the path of introspection, to follow the Hermit is to look for answers within oneself. The time we spend alone can be of great value.
Symbolizes the random elements of changes in one's life. Changes like those in station, position, or fortune. The rich becoming poor, and the poor becoming rich are eminent. All are bound to the wheel for better or for worse.
The Lioness, the Great Mother and protector. Hers are the claws that will uncover the truth in any circumstances. She is not swayed by outer beauty when dealing with what is fair and just.
Is suspended in time. He is no longer attached to material things. His right foot is bound to the tree yet his left foot remains free, his face is somber because he is there by his own accord. His is the ultimate surrender, the ultimate sacrifice yet not in suffering. His is the life of freedom, signifying a higher learning or an enlightenment. All possessions have fallen out of his pockets…
The Grim Reaper. The personification of Death wielding a scythe. Death does not represent a physical death, rather it implies an end, and therefore an increased sense of self-awareness. The reaper's skull is a horse skull, symbolizing strength.
The Angel of Virtue pours liquid from one cup into another representing the dilution of wine with water. Temperance is the card for bringing balance, patience and moderation into your life.
Baphomet, The Horned Goat of Mendes. A creature that is half man half goat. The devil is the seduction of the material world and physical pleasures. The snake and skulls are domination and bondage. You are caged by an overabundance of luxury. He is the Great Deceiver.
Rises above the clouds which signifies an abrupt change from earthly desires. This could be a disruptive revelation, but only if one chooses that perspective.
Represents new hopes and splendid revelations of the future. She cleanses herself of old arrogance, haughtiness, impotence, and makes the journey towards enlightenment of the spiritual self.
Intuition, dreams, and the unconscious. It symbolizes a time of uncertainty and illusion. Its light is dim compared to the sun, and only slightly illuminates the path ahead. Listen and trust your intuition so you can see beyond the cherry tree. Be wary of projecting old fears into the present and future.
Reflects happiness and vitality, self-confidence and good fortune. Just as the sun always rises, so too shall you rise above any struggles and continue to burn bright.
The resurrection and the last judgment. The Sleeping Dead are emerging. You have found your absolution, having been cleared of any wrongdoings or regrets you are released from any guilt or sadness about the past. This purging process will leave you refreshed and ready to take on any new challenges.
The World represents an ending to a cycle of life, a pause in life before the next big cycle begins anew with The Fool. If loose ends remain, bring them to completion. Clear space for new beginnings and opportunities to emerge.
Copyright © 2018 Robert N. Riedel - All Rights Reserved.